What is the SASSA Means Test?

To get a Grant from SASSA in South Africa, you need to understand their rules about who can get it. They have a test called the SASSA Means Test. This test is important because it decides if you can get the Grant (like Grant in Aid, R350 Grant, etc.) or not. It looks at how much money you make and what things you own. This is to make sure the money goes to people who need it and don’t have enough money to manage on their own.

They check things like how much you earn from your job, if you get money from a pension, or if you get money from family. They also look at what you own, like your house or any investments you have. It’s really important to understand and meet the rules of this test if you want help from SASSA in South Africa.

Overview of SASSA Means Test

The SASSA Means Test checks how much money you have and what you own to make sure only the right people get the grant. It looks at your income, what you own, and other money stuff. If your income or what you own is more than what the SASSA Test allows, you might not get the grant.

SASSA Means Income Source Identified

Each type of SASSA grant has different income thresholds. Here are the maximum income thresholds for some common grants:

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Old Age, Disability, Grant-in-Aid, and War Veterans Grant

  • Single person: R8,070 per month / R96,840 per year
  • Married couple: R193,680 per year / R16,140 per month

Child Support Grant

  • Care Dependency Grant
    • Single person (parent or primary caregiver): R20,800 per month / R249,600 per year
    • Married applicant (parent or primary caregiver): R499,200 per year / R41,600 per month
  • Single person (primary caregiver): R5,000 per month / R60,000 per year
  • Married applicant (primary caregiver): R120,000 per year / R10,000 per month

Here’s a table showing the income thresholds for different types of grants:

Social GrantIncome Threshold (per month)Income Threshold (per year)
Child Support GrantR8,070R96,840
Care Dependency Grant
Single ApplicantR20,800R249,600
Married ApplicantR41,600R499,200
Primary Caregiver Grant
Single ApplicantR5,000R60,000
Married ApplicantR10,000R120,000

These are the amounts you can earn per month and per year to qualify for each type of grant. If your income exceeds these thresholds, you may not be eligible for the grant.

Asset Threshold for All SASSA Grants

The asset thresholds also vary for different grants. Here are the maximum asset thresholds for some common grants:

Old Age, Disability, Grant-in-Aid, and War Veterans Grant

  • Single person: R1,372,800
  • Married couple: R2,745,600
  • Other Grants (such as Child Support, Care Dependency, Foster Child, and SRD Grant):
    • These grants are need-based and do not require a means test for assets.

Understanding Income and Assets

Income encompasses various sources of money, including pensions, earnings from business or farming activities, financial assistance from friends or relatives, rental income, wages from employment, and compensation received from entities such as UIF, RAF, or COIDA. On the other hand, assets refer to possessions that hold value, such as funds held in bank accounts, real estate properties, investments, and annuities.

Considerations in Income Calculation

When determining eligibility for social grants through means testing, certain expenses are taken into account to calculate net income. These deductions include contributions made to UIF, expenses related to medical aid coverage, income tax payments, and contributions toward retirement plans. By subtracting these expenses from the total income, a more accurate assessment of an individual’s financial situation can be made, helping to ensure that those in genuine need receive appropriate assistance.

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SASSA Grant Payment Amounts

Certainly! Below is a table summarizing the SASSA grant payment amounts for 2025:

Grant TypeMonthly Payment AmountEligibility Criteria
Older Person’s GrantR2,190 (R2,210 for 75+)South African citizens aged 60 and above, meet the means test.
Disability GrantR2,190South African citizens aged 18–59 with a certified disability, meeting the means test.
War Veterans GrantR2,210South African citizens who are war veterans, meeting the means test.
Care Dependency GrantR2,190South African citizens caring for children under 18 with severe disabilities, meeting the means test.
Foster Child GrantR1,180South African citizens fostering children under 18, with a court order for foster care.
Child Support GrantR530South African citizens caring for children under 18, meeting the means test.
Child Support Grant (Top-Up)R530 + R250 = R780Additional support for children under 18, meeting the means test.
Social Relief of Distress (SRD) GrantR350South African citizens aged 18–60, unemployed, and meeting the means test.

Note: These amounts are subject to change based on government policies and economic conditions. For the most current information, please refer to the official SASSA website or contact your local SASSA office.

The payment amounts for various SASSA grants differ with time. These amounts ensure financial support for different categories of individuals, including older persons, individuals with disabilities, war veterans, foster children, and those in need of child support. Additionally, the Social Relief of Distress (SRD) Grant provides temporary assistance to eligible recipients.

FAQs About Sassa Means Test Calculator

The SASSA means test aims to identify needy individuals facing financial difficulties and in need of immediate support.

The means test evaluates an individual’s income and assets to determine financial eligibility for SASSA grants.

The SASSA Means Test ensures that only individuals in genuine need receive the SRD R350 Grant, maintaining the integrity and effectiveness of the grant program.

Below are the contacts for SASSA:

  1. Call Centre: 0800 60 10 11
  2. SASSA Head Office: 012 400 2322
  3. Email of  SASSA Head Office: [email protected]
  4. Visit SASSA offices nearest to you across the country.


The SASSA Means Test is crucial for identifying people who urgently need financial help. Understanding the rules about how much income and assets you’re allowed to have is important for getting SASSA grants and getting the support you need. If you have questions about applying for a grant or if you’re eligible, you can contact SASSA directly for help.